This incredible mountain is named Macchapucchre, which means "Fish Tail" Peak. Dave and I had been hiking all day long on what was a very foggy day 20 of that 25 day trek. We had just arrived at our destination for the night when the skies began to clear. I looked up, and immediately saw the moon rising over the top of this beautiful peak. What I wish the photo could depict is the immense speed at which the wind was moving the fog out. The fog in this picture was clearing rapidly, but I was happy to have snapped this shot with a little left in the bottom of the frame. I think it adds a little something to the shot.
This second photo is also of Macchapucchre, however it was taken around 5:30 AM the following day. Dave and I rose early so that we could catch the stunning sunrise on our hike up to Annapurna Base Camp. Annapurna is one of the 14 peaks in the world whose elevation rises above 8,000 meters (known as the 8,000m peaks). It is the 8,000m peak with the fewest ascents (meaning the least amount of people have stood on the summit of this peak than any other 8,000m peak, including everest, or K2!). Hiking to the base camp of the majestic Annapurna was one of our ultimate goals for this trip. What I